Barefoot Training Benefits

Barefoot Training Benefits

Benefits of training in minimal and barefoot shoes

For some sports it is a basic fact that barefoot is the best way to perform, but the question arises: what happens if we want to enjoy the benefits of training in minimal and barefoot shoes for other sports? The good news is that for almost any sport, this type of shoe is much healthier, but of course it does require some 'acclimatisation' of the foot.

Anyone who does yoga, pilates or some martial arts is used to doing these activities barefoot. However, we recommend that you feel free to use our shoes for running, gym training, fitness and virtually any sport.

Exercise in trainers

When you put on a conventional training shoe, your feet are supported by a strong platform that gives stability to the foot, ankle and protects you from uneven ground. However, there are times when less is more! This footwear takes away the work that the muscles are supposed to do, because stability is supposed to be provided by the muscles of the foot and the arch. If the muscles are lazy, they don't hold the ligaments tight enough, so the arch can sink.

What are the benefits of training in minimal and barefoot shoes?

  • Exercising in barefoot shoes strengthens the muscles of the foot, builds a strong arch system and stabilises the ankle. The foot and ankle are responsible for the stability of the body, and if the foundations are not right, knee, spine and waist problems can occur. When exercising barefoot, the muscles in the foot become more active and, because sensory perception is not obscured by shoes, the brain can more easily identify the body's position.
  • The sole is in direct contact with the ground, so the receptors can immediately transmit the stimuli to the brain. This creates a very active foot-brain connection, making it easier for the body to learn, for example, a dance move or a step combination.
  • So if you train in a barefoot shoe like the Leguano Active, which we also recommend for running, your body will be more aware of the exercises you're doing. In addition, a gym bodyweight workout will make the same work feel much harder, as it engages certain muscle groups more strongly.
  • You'll also notice that you'll be able to sense off-balance immediately, so this skill will also improve.

How to start training in minimal and barefoot shoes?

The emphasis is on gradualness. Start with easier exercises such as squats and plank, and once you are stable in these, you can move on to more dynamic forms of exercise. Remember, your legs need to get stronger, and it doesn't happen overnight. Give yourself time, you can even use special insoles in the early days.

Gradually get your feet used to your barefoot shoes and when you feel ready to ditch the insoles or do a longer, stronger, more dynamic workout, then go for it! You'll experience the same benefits as above - a harder, more deliberate workout, stronger feet, improved balance, and a reduction in all sorts of waist, back, hip and knee problems.

Take a look at our range of footwear, many of which are perfect for sports. If you want to try out the benefits of training in minimal and barefoot shoes, come to our shop where we have built a special area for you to try our products in all situations. If you have any further questions, we welcome you to contact us!


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